Bigger Than A Bully Campaign


During the month of February Dymonte was able to make a trip to his alma mater, Marlington Local Schools. Dymonte spoke on the subject of bullying and other challenging topics that today's youth encounters to all 5 of the Marlington schools. 

Our organization views the issue of bullying as a significant matter that the youth in our communities face too often on a regular day basis. Not only do these issues occur face to face, but even more so through social media outlets. 

Therefor, during the months of March & April we launched our "Bigger Than A Bully" campaign in effort to raise funds to implement a bullying prevention competition at the local schools. We sold our More Than Football "Bigger Than A Bully T-shirts for the month of March raising $504.00 as well as $140.00 from our March Madness Tournament Challenge. These proceed will be used to provide Pizza parties for the winning classes of the Bigger Than A Bully competition as well as Bigger Than A Bully T-shirts for the individual winners of the contest.  

Our biggest goal for our campaign is to bring awareness to the subject of bullying as well as provide the youth of our communities with people they can trust to be there for them, as well as listen and encourage them.  

We can not fight this battle alone. We encourage you all to BE MORE and make our communities a better place for all!

- The Dymonte Thomas Community Foundation Inc.